The Community Perspective – Overview – The TerraDesic Project
Providing Communities the Resources to Grow New Economic Opportunities.

TerraDesic organizes online, an international network of scientists, engineers, manufacturing technologists, and other technologies.

The purpose is to innovate and design manufacturable goods for community level energy and environmental products.
o “Community Level” refers to products that would be accessible and feasible for homeowners, local businesses, and agriculture. And the implementation of these would provide a direct financial and quality of life benefit to the basic community level residents.
o The greater use of “Community Level Innovation” would be to purpose these designs to become “cottage industries” within the communities they serve. That new businesses would be created, made capable of assembling and marketing as new commercial enterprises.

The relevance of an international technology network to localized communities, is the ability to draw from a wide resource of design expertise and technical knowledge, to form the solutions specific to regional needs.
o The more localized the condition of a need, the more specific is the required solution. The paradox is that the need for a more specific solution, requires a higher level of information, and a wider resource to draw from, in order to create the specific solution.
o The TerraDesic program focuses its innovative technology goals on tangible, real-world applications, not theoretical or laboratory based systems. These being more immediately available to the community as affordable products and an immediate new source for local commerce.

How does TerraDesic engage the Community? …. Classrooms, Seminars, Workshops, On-Site Prototypes.
o Presentations, New Energy and Environmental Technologies to classrooms, or advanced academic student programs (example: the U.S. based STEM programs).
o Presentations to academically and financially challenged school classrooms, to introduce and inspire new life choices, and the positive possibilities from an increased effort and interest in education/studies.
o Presentation of New Energy and Environmental Technologies in Vocational Industrial Arts classrooms.
o Public Seminars and Hands-On Workshops
o Collaborative programs with State and Local agencies, especially economic development, and environmental regulatory.
o TerraDesic will (and is now) assembling prototypes for energy and the environment, and will be installing them on home, farm. And business sites as working examples.
o Open Source Licenses that provide new local businesses the blueprints, and training to create new products.

How does TerraDesic make the money and support these programs? Membership Subscriptions, License-of-Use, Manufacture Royalties, Private and Public sector consulting, Prototype Manufacture, Patent Sales.
o Revenue from Primary Members of TerraDesic are qualified science/engineering professionals and academics, whose annual subscription fee is $35 USD. The subscription objective is by year one, 3,000 members and by year three, 30,000 members. Terradesic also has other classifications of associate membership subscriptions. Revenue from Manufacturers who want to include or create from TerraDesic patented product designs, will purchase license or pay a royalty fee.
o Revenue from Private companies contracting TerraDesic for feasibility or design development, Governments can obtain third party, or “blind studies” in order to determine or arbitrate between industries and organizations.
o Revenue from Utility Patents developed and held on behalf of TerraDesic can be sold, or otherwise marketed as a commodity.
o Revenue from TerraDesic Website Advertising, TerraDesic Website Employer Job Boards.

Why would Scientists and Engineers, as Professionals and Academics contribute to the development of innovations that find its way to a local community’s new source of commerce? Inventor receive Co-ownership of technology products, and extended “downstream” revenues from manufacturing. Communities who utilize TerraDesic patent property for commerce return license/royalties revenue to Innovator Co-Ownerships.
o TerraDesic Innovation Project Team Members … their individual project’s collaborative technology is created as co-ownerships before the project begins, by way of a legal instrument known as a “Mutual Intellectual Property Service Agreement”. Within that agreement these Co-Owners each have received and been assigned a specific percentage of ownership for not only the Patent intellectual property, but percentages of any “downstream revenues” received through TerraDesic. This provides Innovators a revolutionary approach to a secured financial interest, and revenue source from the results of their contributions to a new product. It streamlines the “Concept-to-Commerce” process, providing Innovators the prospects of timely returns on their “intellectual investment”. It provides the opportunity to invent from a wider scope of invention, freed up from large corporation profit and marketing parameters.

Why Would Communities Invest Funding, Time, or Collaboration, in the TerraDesic Project? TerraDesic Self-Sustains Financially, Innovates with existing Human Resources, Responds to Community Economic Development Needs and Goals, creates New Commerce.
o Terradesic is designed to be financially self-sustaining. Energy and Ecologies are often measured on the basis of renewable. By definition, initiatives that produce energy and environmental solutions need to be for-profit and self-sustaining too, otherwise the results are artificial in terms of a truly renewable product.
o Communities that would fund TerraDesic start up programs in their region would do so as either a one-time stimulus, receiving equity shares, or as a loan, to expedite the return of benefits to the Community. And as such benefits should also be described as self-sustaining.
o Equity Investors in TerraDesic LLC, are provided a “front-loaded” debt service on their investment. Phase I is a two year period designed to maintain a prudent reserve to maintain and manage operations, increase membership, and engage community organizations … in order to distribute an investor pay back, and distributed profit shares.
o TerraDesic does not want to “re-invent” a regions economic development programs, but innovate the human resources already within the community, transforming the available options for community opportunities, and the capabilities of the residents to transform as well.